Yagoozon: PIM
In a fast-changing e-commerce landscape, good data can be the difference between success and failure. Here’s how Cyber Care helped one Amazon retailer master their inventory.
Amazon ranks and prices change frequently, and retailers have to react to those changes or face significant consequences. But clicking through thousands of web pages to copy and paste sales ranks is time-consuming to the point of impossibility.
Cyber Care developed a custom web spider application that automatically accessed the relevant Amazon pages. That way, Yagoozon would always have access to the most up-to-date information. It also used Amazon’s API to programmatically access Yagoozon’s pricing and sales data.
The final Product Inventory Management program allowed Yagoozon to track the popularity of multiple products across Amazon categories. Indexing that data over time, it created easy-to-understand reports that gave their management team immediate insight into relevant market trends. This allowed more effective inventory planning and price management.